
Hi there! Nice of you to stop by! I hope you enjoy my blog and have a great, epicly random time. Please come again, tell your friends, and well...Have fun!

~Autumn, admin of the site.

Counting the views...

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Greely Week!

Hey Jammers!
Okay so as you know there is a lot a of new stuff on Jammer Central!!
A new page!
A new background!
And more....
But the cool thing is...
It's Greely Week!!!
Like on Animal Jam when they have Wolf Week or Rabbit Week etc.
On Jammer Central we celebrate each Shamman!
Hope you like the background!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

New Stuff!!

Hey Jammers!
Sorry this is late..
There's a new place and animal!
Elephant and Appondale!
New stuff everywhere!
Also I'm trying to create a virtual world...
Like Animal Jam is a virtual world.
Mine is called Hidden Hollow and it's wolves against tigers.
There's also hawks and other animals but the main two animals are wolves and tigers.
It's gonna be really fun, when I make it...
It should be up soon, I hope...

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Party Reminder.

Hey everyone just a reminder that my party at pippy1's den is on the sixteenth!
Mark your calenders!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

New (kinda late) Stuff!!!!!!!!!

Hey guys!
There's new stuff all over Jamma!
Like new plants and animal facts!
And guess what......?
Liza the Panda Shamman is going on another adventure!
So that means she's finding a new place and a new animal spirit stone!!!!!!!
Look around and you'll see what I mean about new stuff.
New clothes!
New plants!
All kinda new things!
Look around!
Also read the newspaper to learn more about Liza's journey.

Friday, April 8, 2011

New Pages!

Hello Jammers.
I am Eternal Snowystar.
I live in outer space.
My planet is called Jammearth.
I live in Jamma.
I have this blog called Jammer Central; which you are reading now.
I decided to put new pages up.
Two or three.
Okay just kidding!
It's me!
But some of those things are true..
Except Jammearth....
I made that up....
Anyways you'll see the new pages soon!

Back online!

Hey I'm back on AJ!
Well..  I've been back on for a while...
Anyways here's the deal: PARTY @ SOMEBODY'S DEN!
I have an idea!
We're going to have a sneak attack party at my friends den!
Here's the details:
Place: pippy1's den!
Date:  04/16/11
Time:  4:00 PM EST.
Search for pippy1 and go to his den!!


Sunday, April 3, 2011


Heya Jammers...
I'm so mad!
My stupid computer wont let me play AJ!
Now I cant give you guys updates!
It'll be a while until I can play again!

Friday, April 1, 2011


Okay so I was supposed to have a party today but...
But I have a good reason.
Animal Jam wont let me play....
So I'm sorry everyone who went to the KAMA  Pillow Room for the party!
Man this was the worst day to not be able to play!
Also I shut down AJF( Animal Jam Fued) because the totall site viewing history count was...
Man not enought to stay!

My Favorite Songs!

You can listen to these!