
Hi there! Nice of you to stop by! I hope you enjoy my blog and have a great, epicly random time. Please come again, tell your friends, and well...Have fun!

~Autumn, admin of the site.

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Warrior Cats Fan Page!

Hello Warrior Cats Fans!
Okay so this place is like a forum...
If you don't know what a forum is it's just like a chat room except it has a certain subject.
This forums' subject is Warrior Cats.(If you don't know what that is it's just a VERY popular book series)
So we talk about Warrior Cats.
Here is a link to the Official Warrior Cats Site. Warriors!
We have a few rules which are below.

1. No mean words or language.
2. Be nice to others.
3. Please don't say any personal information!
4. You MUST be a Warrior Cats Fan!
5. When you comment, put your warrior or medcat ect. name as what you are commenting, unless you are a member of this site!
6. Have fun and be safe!
7. You may RP here!

My cat:
Lightningstike: deputy of SpiritClan.


  1. Hi! Welcome to Warriors Fan Page! And more importantly welcome to the blog! You can visit the Warriors site by clicking this:
    If you can't use that link then copy-paste it and then go to the site.
    Hope this helps, Caitlyn!

  2. yes I'm also an expert on warriors... is this page new?

  3. Hi Tigerstripe!

    No, it's been up since...... idk when. But it's not new.

  4. Yay! A warrior cats forum! I'm reading Crookedstar's Promise...What are you reading?
    -Silverstorm, Warrior

  5. The New Prophecy- Sunset. Page: 214. I should be getting Power of Three soon.

    -Eternal, loner warrior.

  6. Has anyone ever heard of a book called The Last Hope? It's the last book in Omen Of The Stars (I'm pretty sure it is.)


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